All About Rental Property Inventories In The UK


An inventory is an extensive list of items, and when it comes to a property inventory, it is a record of the things in a house. We recommend that landlords who are renting out their property make a comprehensive checklist of all the items in the property for more than one reason. Here is all you need to know about creating a property inventories in the UK. To have an easy and hassle free renting experience, both lessor and tenant should ensure that the procedure is systematic to begin with.

Why do you need an Inventory?

A landlord planning to rent out his property should have a complete record of the all items that are in the house. Creating such a list is beneficial to both owner and tenant, be the property commercial, residential, or a parking area. If an exhaustive list had been drawn out during check-in, at the time of check out both parties can be on the same page. This helps in case of missing or damaged fittings and fixtures. The landlord can claim for replacement or repair of a missing or broken item, and the tenant does not have to worry about false allegations. Moreover verifying the items is much easier when the tenants move. For the property owner, it thus becomes easier to mend, fix, replace broken fixtures and furniture before renting out the property again.

When to make an Inventory?

Simply put, inventories are made before the tenant moves in, and the day he moves out. Having a check-in inventory simplifies the check-out, as you only need to cross verify the list you already have.

Why are Property Inventories important?

UK law mandates that the deposits landlords take from tenants are to be protected in a government deposit protection scheme. The advantage of the scheme is that the landlord can claim damages in case of any, against the deposit. Due to this law, a home inventory becomes an important legal document, that property owners cannot overlook.

The government has recommended certain legal evidence to be produced by the lessor for the mandatory deposit protection schemes:

  • A tenancy agreement that refers to property inventory without ambiguity, with lucid definitions on the condition –  new, worn, broken, working, etc.,- of the items.
  • A detailed inventory list with brand names and serial numbers of the fixtures and appliances – preferably with photos and videos – attested by the tenant.
  • Financial records like invoices, receipts, quotes, and so on.
  • Proof that the both lesser and tenant are in consensus with the terms and conditions of the rental agreement.
  • The tenant should have received simple and lucid instructions on the dos and don’ts, and a clear understanding of the check-out procedure.

What does the list carry?

Any item in the property prone to damage must be part of the inventory. Besides the objects, components of the structure like flooring, ceiling, fittings, etc., also must be incorporated in the record. Given below for your reference is a list of items that are to be part of a UK property inventory:

  • Ceilings (scratches, cracks, other structural problems)
  • Walls (scratches, cracks, other structural problems)
  • Flooring (scratches, cracks, type of flooring, carpets)
  • Bathroom and garden
  • Other Structures (shed, garage, outhouse)
  • Storage (shelves, cupboards, drawers)
  • Fixtures (lamps, lights)
  • Fittings (sinks, taps)
  • Furniture (in case the rental property is a furnished one, every piece of furniture needs to be part of the inventory)
  • Appliances (refrigerator, dishwasher, washing machine)
  • Doors, windows, blinds
  • Paint (condition, colour)

How to prepare a Property Inventory in the UK

All About Rental Property Inventories In The UK

The landlord or an agent can draw out an inventory. You can use a landlord inventory template available on the internet. It can be made in collaboration with the tenant. In case of complications, a bailiff can also be involved. To perform the inspection of the fixtures and appliances, and look for defects, be sure to fix an appointment with the tenant during the daytime, with all amenities like electricity, water, and gas in working condition. It is not uncommon for inventories to have photographs besides descriptions. After making two copies of the document, one for each party, sign them to make them legally valid.

Before signing make sure that the tenant is in agreement with your list, that both parties agree on the wear and tear. Also ensure that the damages procedure is in place. Make provisions in the agreement for the lesser to inspect the property every three months to ensure that the tenant complies with your conditions. The tenant has a right to 24 hours notice prior to the visit, and anything you find that needs flagging, you should ideally discuss with your tenant then and there.

Dilapidation Reports:

A property inventory treats dilapidated items that are already damaged or worn, differently in an inventory. Make sure to reach a consensus with your tenant regarding these.

Paid UK Property Inventory Services

There are property owners who make their own inventories without external help. Yet, if you are busy, or want a thorough and professional inventory, you can approach paid inventory services. They will take care of your check-in/check-out forms, digital photos, readings of meters, and so on, and submit to you the final document printouts ready for signatures.

Moreover, experienced professionals are meticulous and are quick to note the damages. It is the inventory clerks who carry out the checks and document them. You can always assist, clarify your doubts, and offer your suggestions to these clerks, because ultimately you are responsible for your property.

To wrap it up

Property inventories are important and need to be prepared deligently. Most people dislike making lists and doing paperwork but remember that investing in it will go a long way. If you feel that it is not worth your time and effort, seek the help of professionals.

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Cost-cutting may be the first and foremost reason for outsourcing in the UK, yet there is more to it. Trends show that post-pandemic Britain plans to outsource more. Let’s learn why.

What is outsourcing?  General understanding of outsourcing is: work previously done inside a is entrusted to an external provider. However, outsourcing has evolved into ‘internal outsourcing’ or ‘insourcing’ in recent years. Insourcing began as units began to provide services inside the company, just as they would to an external company, as shared support services. Besides low costs, outsourcing gives access to talent. It helps the company to grow and get ahead of its competition by allowing the time and resources to focus on core activity, operations, staff, HR, and so on.

Companies that offer to outsource are professionals adept in leveraging technologies to excel at their work, as they too need to stay in the game. Companies can use the providers’ established processes and the well-defined, trustworthy models to their advantage. You just need to choose the right partner that suits the temperament of your UK-based business.

The business process outsourcing (BPO) industry is ever-evolving, adapting to the challenges that confront the times. Global shifts caused by several factors such as climate change and political and economic power continue to pose challenges that organizations worldwide must deal with.

In 2022 BPO is one of the fastest-growing sectors, with an increasing number of companies, are outsourcing services and tasks. To optimize your efficiency and output, you need to stay abreast of the latest trends in outsourcing. And here are some of the latest developments :

Preference for remote work

Post pandemic businesses are realizing the importance of remote working for safety, and to cut costs. The companies however are to follow the pandemic protocols at work. The number of remote workers has steadily risen in the past decade, and the trend is here to stay with ever-advancing technologies. Outsourcing, therefore, becomes a smart move.

Building Strategic Partnerships

Companies that acknowledge the advantages of outsourcing to tackle many of their challenges have come forward to partner with their outsourcing providers to help the core decision-making process as well, in addition to the services they provide.


There has been an unprecedented rise in cybercrimes post-pandemic, and it is the responsibility of the BPOs to ensure data security, especially those dealing with sensitive data. The customer’s valuable resources; data and applications are to be secured end-to-end to avoid scams like phishing and identity theft. BPOs are now multi-factor authentication to avoid breaches in security and striving to rule out security concerns in compliance with UK, GDPR.

Progressive Web Apps

Progressive Web Apps are application software delivered through the web using prevalent web technologies like HTML, CSS, etc., PWA is essentially a website – mobile app combo. In the coming years, the trend of PWA is expected to grow.

The upside of PWA is speed and convenience, as it works like a regular application, yet have saved it on your home web page, it loads faster than an ordinary app, without having to download and install. Businesses prefer these as PWAs reduce the hassle for their customers, and work well on slow internet connections.

Cloud Computing Services

There is an increasing demand for cloud-based technology in outsourcing, as companies have begun to see its importance. BPO sector shall reap continue to reap the benefits of this technology in 2022, and in the future.

Easy and fast access to data, flexibility, scalability and not having to invest in traditional hardware for storage purposes, and therefore low cost of maintenance are some of the advantages of cloud computing. Companies can deliver instructions, and make repeated corrections with ease when it comes to real-time, synergic projects.

Industry Specialization & Upskilling

Technology is evolving every day, and mastering each new technology to keep oneself ahead of the competition can be tasking. Outsourced professionals who are trained experts, equipped with the latest tools, and can offer support round the clock, add tremendous value add to IT services businesses

So also, the outsourcing companies are upskilling their workforce,  automating unskilled and recurrent tasks, and using up-to-date technology like Artificial Intelligence and Robotic Automation to improve the quality of their work and ensure customer satisfaction

Social Media Services

After 2020 there has been a surge in demand for social media services. At a time when an average internet user spends more than two hours a day on social media, businesses cannot afford to ignore their role in both gauging and communicating with their customers. More and more companies are resorting to outsourcing for social media marketing and interacting with customers.

Unified Communication Tools

Yet another outsourcing trend that began in 2021 is omnichannel solutions and unified communication tools, a solution equipped to improve customer experience, thereby benefiting the company.

Earlier when it was only the big businesses that outsourced, today about 33% of small ones outsource from around the world. Outsourcing now is no more about profit, at least for large companies, but quality and growth. The role of outsourcing service providers is no longer limited to the services, but as strategic partners, their opinions matter in the operations areas as well.

Outsourcing in the UK in 2022


From this year around 30% of businesses in the UK plan to outsource more. Only 15% of businesses are considering less outsourcing. YouGov data shows that seven out of ten companies in the UK depend on third parties for services. Only a quarter of the businesses have never ventured into outsourcing so far.

Brexit and IT Sector

Post-Brexit the soaring demand for IT professionals shall result in a hike in their salaries. Companies that are unable to afford it shall be obliged to outsource, particularly from non-EU countries.

Reasons for Outsourcing in the UK

  • The major reason continues to be cost-cutting, as more than 70% of businesses cite this as the aim.
  • As per surveys, half of the outsourcing companies cited business transformation as the reason. For the rest, it was quality of services.
  • 48% of the companies chose outsourcing due to a lack of skilled professionals; says a YouGov survey conducted in 2019.
  • Post pandemic the two major services 28% of businesses outsourcing in the UK are opting to outsource as marketing and IT.
  • Businesses are depending on outsourcing for marketing, as it is cheaper, and the service providers have more expertise.
  • In the IT sector, while 30% prefer outsourcing as it is cost-effective, 28% seek efficiency and better results.

Outsourcing partnership, like any other partnership banks on security and trust. Compatibility rides on these key factors. A smart business knows how to leverage the strength of its service providers for the objectives of both parties to line up. They know how to communicate effectively, and lay down the rules and expectations of the business. They also take into account, the ethics of the company, geographic location of the business, the administration, the pricing. Both parties benefit from taking customer feedback and reviews.

The Takeaway

With COVID-19 closing borders, companies faced the need to be more flexible, for which they needed global teams. With a workforce around the globe, they find themselves more equipped to compete.

Though there are many advantages to outsourcing, the needs may vary from sector to sector and business to business. Before entering into a partnership, companies outsourcing in the UK might want to take their weak and strong areas into consideration. They should weigh the pros and cons, and choose the right service provider, before entering into a partnership.

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